5 minute read

Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)

관점 지향 프로그래밍

왜 필요한가?

😕예를 들어,

우리의 프로그램 구조가 다음과 같을 때, 몇 가지 요구사항을 받게 되었다.

Our Application Architecture 220319203008.png

Code for Data Access Object (DAO)

public void addAccount(Account theAccount, String userId) {
	Session currentSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();;

요구사항 1 - Logging

DAO method 실행 전에 로그를 남겨라!

  • Need to add logging to our DAO methods
    • add some logging statements before the start of the method

Add Logging Code

public void addAccount(Account theAccount, String userId) {

	// add code for logging

	Session currentSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();;

요구사항 2 - Security

DAO method 실행 전에 보안 인증 작업을 추가해라!

  • Need to add security code to out DAO
    • Make sure user is authorized before running DAO method

Add Security Code

public void addAccount(Account theAccount, String userId) {

	// add code for logging

	// add code for security check

	Session currentSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();;

요구사항 3 - 모든 layer에 Logging, Security 추가…😑


Two Main Problems

  • Code Tangling 복잡한 코드
    • For a given method : addAccount(...)
    • We have logging and security code tangled in
    • 즉, addAccount() 는 여러개의 일을 하게 된다.
    • 핵심 로직의 모듈화 불가능
  • Code Scattering 분산된 코드
    • If we need to change logging or security code
    • We have to update ALL classes
    • 즉, 유지보수가 어려워진다.

가능하지만 여전히 문제가 존재하는 Solutions

  • Inheritance 상속 (is a)
    • Every class would need to inherit from a base class
    • Can all classes extends from your base class? … plus no multiple inheritance
    • 즉, 다중 상속도 안되는데, 모든 클래스가 어떤 base class를 상속받을 순 없다.
  • Delegation 위임 (has a)
    • Classes would delegate logging, security calls
    • Still would need to update classes if we wanted to
      • add/remove logging or security
      • add new feature like auditing, API management, instrumentation
    • 모든 클래스에서 logging, security 인스턴스를 가지고 있게 되며, 결국 모든 클래스에 영향도가 있어서 유지보수가 어렵다.

😆답은 AOP !!

공통 관심 사항을 캡슐화하자.

  • Programming technique based on concept of an Aspect
  • Aspect encapsulates cross-cutting logic : Cross-Cutting Concerns (공통관심사항)


  • Aspect : module of code for a cross-cutting concern (logging, security)
  • Advice : what action is taken and when it should be applied
  • Join Point : when to apply code during program execution
  • Pointcut : a predicate expression for where advice should be applied
  • Weaving : Connecting aspects to target objects to create an advised object


공통관심사항을 모듈화 한 것

  • Aspect can be reused at multiple locations
  • applied based on Configuration


실행될 로직

  • Advice Types
    • Before advice : run before the method
    • After (finally) advice : 항상 실행 run after the method (finally)
    • After returning advice : 성공하면 실행 run after the method (success execution)
    • After throwing advice : 실패하면 실행 run after method (if exception thrown)
    • Around advice : run before and after method

💛Join Point

Aspect 객체에서 작성한 코드(Advice)가 실행될 시점 (when)

  • exception-level : 예외(exception)가 발생되는 시점
  • field-level : 필드(field)가 수정되는 시점
  • constructor-level : 객체가 생성(constructor)되는 시점
  • method-level : 특정 메소드가 호출되는 시점


Aspect 객체에서 작성한 코드(Advice)가 실행될 지점 (where)

  • PointCut Designator (PCD)
    • execution
    • within
    • args
    • this
    • target
    • @target
    • @args
    • @within
    • @annotation


Aspect 클래스에 정의한 Advice 로직을 Target 에 적용하는 것

즉, 공통코드(advice)를 핵심 로직 코드에 삽입하는 것

  • Different types of weaving
    • compile-time
    • load-time
    • run-time (가장 느림)

AOP Frameworks for Java


  • Original AOP framework, released in 2001
  • Provides complete support for AOP
  • Rich support for
    • join points : method-level, constructor-level, field-level
    • code weaving : compile-time, post compile-time, load-time

👉Spring AOP

  • Spring provides AOP support
  • Key component of Spring
    • Security, transactions, caching etc
  • Uses run-time weaving of aspects
  • only method-level
  • 그리고, AspectJ jar 가 필요하다

Proxy design pattern


  • AOP proxy : an object created by the AOP framework in order to implement the aspect contracts (advise method executions and so on). In the Spring Framework, an AOP proxy will be a JDK dynamic proxy or a CGLIB proxy.
  • 요샌 거의 CGLIB proxy만 쓰는 것 같다고 함


🧐Spring AOP vs AspectJ

  Spring AOP AspectJ
pointcut syntax simple complex
join point only method-level all
weaving run-time compile-time / post compile-time / load-time
performance slower faster
dependency need AspectJ jar (migration) .
work with Beans Created by application context any POJO
design pattern proxy pattern .

Test Example

1.create target object

public class AccountDAO() {
	public void addAccount() {
		System.out.println(">> DB Work :: insert account data");

2.create spring java config class

@EnableAspectJAutoProxy //AspectJ 를 이용해서 Spring AOP 를 사용하여백그라운드에서 Proxy 사용
public class ExConfig {


3.create main app

public class MainApp {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(ExConfig.class);
		AccountDAO dao = context.getBean("accountDAO", AccountDAO.class);


4.create an aspect with @Before advice

@Aspect //org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect
public class MyLoggingAspect { //aspect
	@Before("execution(public void addAccount())") //pointcut
	public void beforeAddAccountAdvice() {
		System.out.println("I'm @Before advice !!!") 


I'm @Before advice !!!
>> DB Work :: insert account data

✅Benefits of AOP

  • Code for Aspect is defined in a single class 코드가 중복/분산되지 않는다. (Not scattered)
    • Much better than being scattered everywhere
    • Promotes code reuse and easier to change
  • Business code in your application is cleaner 핵심 로직을 깔끔하게 작성할 수 있다. (Not Tangled)
    • Only applies to business functionality : addAccount
    • Reduces code complexity
  • Configurable MainApp 코드를 변경할 필요없이, Configuration 으로 선택적 적용 가능
    • Based on configuration, apply Aspects selectively to different parts of app
    • No need to make changes to main application code … very important!


  • 재사용성 증가 : Reusable modules
  • tangling/scatter 해결 : Resolve code tangling/scatter
  • 선택적 적용 : applied selectively based on configuration


  • 디버깅 어려움 : too many aspects and app flow » hard to flow
  • 비용 증가 : minior performance cost for aspect execution (run-time weaving)

✅Use Cases

  • Most common
    • logging, security, transactions
  • Audit logging
    • who, what, when, where
  • Exception handling
    • log exception and notify DevOps team via SMS/email
  • API Management
    • how many times has a method been called user
    • analytics : peak times, average load, top user



